TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membre de la SCNAT

Bryolich réunit des botanistes qui s'engagent en faveur de la diffusion des connaissances sur les mousses et les lichens ainsi que pour leur protection et leur conservation en Suisse.

Image : Pixabay

Instructions for Authors - Publication information

Authors: before submitting manuscripts, please read the following guide-lines carefully.

Cryptogamica Helvetica publishes original monographic studies on floristics, ecology, phytosociology and systematics of cryptogams with a geographical link to Switzerland. Original articles should be relevant for a Swiss and international readership. Descriptive and experimental studies are both acceptable.

Manuscripts in English, or in one of the four official Swiss languages are welcome. Recent issues are the best guide for style. Authors are invited to consult with the Editor in advance about unique or difficult problems of presentation. Manuscripts will be evaluated by at least two referees.


Manuscripts intended for publication in Cryptogamica Helvetica should be submitted in triplicate hard copy to the scientific editor:

Christoph Scheidegger
Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL
Zürcherstr. 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland

Tel +41 44 739 24 39
Fax +41 44 739 22 15


An electronic version of the manuscript must be sent (via e-mail attachments or on a CD) both with the original paper submission and, after refereeing, with the revised manuscript.


The text of the manuscript should be a Microsoft Word document. All text, including figure legends, tables and references, should be typed double-spaced. They should be in a common font as Time and should be in 12 point type. The text should not be formatted with the exception of the taxon names that should be written in italics and the author's names in the references list at the end of the manuscript that should be written in small majuscules.

Title Page

This should include the complete title, full names and mailing addresses of all authors, current mailing addresses if relevant, e-mail addresses and the corresponding author.


The abstract should be a brief summary of the main findings and conclusions. Except for Latin names the entire abstract is in Roman type. Abstracts in English, French, German and Italian are required. They should start with author names and the title of the contribution in the corresponding language (see recent issues of the journal for examples).

Scientific names must be used in accordance with International Rules of Nomenclature. The first time a taxon name is used in the text (not in the title and abstract), it should include an author citation, unless there is a table already mentioning all names with authorities. Authors should be abbreviated in accordance with Brummit and Powell's Author of Plant Names (Brummit, R. K. & C. E. Powell (eds.). 1992. Author of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. This information is available on line at the following address:

Tables and figures should be limited to those required for clear communication. Results should be presented either in tables or in figures but not in both. Legends of figures and tables should be delivered as a separate file in standard word processing format (Microsoft Word or compatible).

Figures should be delivered as individual files both as hard copy and electronically in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). PowerPoint figures will not be accepted. Line drawings should be at 1200 dpi for line art, greyscale figures at 300 dpi and color graphics or figures at 300 dpi and in CMYK mode. All illustrations will be reduced to a size not exceeding 22 x 16 cm, legends included. Please plan figures to be reduced to the smallest possible size. The final height of printed characters must not be smaller than 1.2 mm, the final thickness of lines not less than 0.1 mm. On each illustration, indicate its number, the author's name, and «top», if not obvious. Figures should be numbered sequentially as they are mentioned throughout the manuscript. Scale bars should be applied directly onto the illustrations to indicate magnification. Letters, numbers, or arrows may be used to indicate features of special interest within figures.

Tables should be prepared separately with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or compatible formats. They should be numbered sequentially as they occur throughout the article. Table legends should explain the content of the table fully. All explanatory material should be in the legend, not in footnotes.

Citation of specimens must be concise. Geographic names are arranged in order of decreasing political magnitude. Habitat data are summarized in the text and are not included in lists of specimens. The date of collection is given with months in roman numerals. Collectors are cited by family name only, with collection number if present; both are italicized. Herbarium designation are those of Index Herbariorum (Holmgren, P. K., Holmgren, N. H. & Barnett, L. C. 1990. Index Herbariorum - Part I: The herbaria of the world. 8th edition. New York Botanical Garden). This information is available on line at the following address:
Examples of specimen citations: Switzerland, NE, Cernier, 10.VII.2005, Bolay 23456 (G). Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg im Breisgau, 5.IX.2004, Clerc s. n. (G).


In-text citations should be formatted as follows, with multiple citations in chronological order:

"This method was suggested by Brodo (1967). Thin layer chromatography was performed as described by Culberson et al. (1989). This species was reported in Switzerland (Frey & Poelt 1956, Ammann 1991, 1995). As shown by C. Roux (unpublished data), the distribution..."

References should be arranged alphabetically and presented as follows (please note the exact use of punctuation). Please note that journal names are not abbreviated.

Articles in periodicals:

Brodo, I. M., B. Owe-Larsson & H. T. Lumbsch (1993). The sorediate, saxicolous species of the Lecanora subfusca group in Europe. Nordic Journal of Botany 14: 451-461.


Ozenda, P. & G. Clauzade (1970). Les lichens. Etude biologique et flore illustrée. Masson, Paris.

Book chapters:

Kümmerling, H., D. Triebel & G. Rambold (1993b). Lepraria neglecta and its lichenicolous fungi, pp. 147-160. In Feige, G. B. & H. T. Lumbsch (eds). Phytochemistry and chemotaxonomy of lichenized Ascomycetes - A Festschrift in honour of Siegfried Huneck. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 53.

Internet pages and articles published online: please indicate the full URL and check its validity.

Proofs: authors will receive page proofs in PDF form shortly before publication. Please print out and check these carefully. Pay particular attention to numerical data, tables, and to lists or names, to punctuation, and to seeing that abbreviations, capital letters, italics, and other special forms of type have been used correctly and consistently. Alterations other than the correction of printer's errors are permissible only at the discretion of the editors. If the number of alterations is excessive authors will be charged for them.

Reprints: 5 reprints are provided free for the authors. Authors may ordered additional reprints at cost.